I was introduced to the work of Qubo Gas during my A2 Fine Art class, and took a particular interest because of the nature of the outcomes; their abstract, mixed media works were perfect examples of the style of art that I wanted to experiment with at the time. I am capable of observational drawing and do love to produce intricate, still-life drawings using pencil, or charcoal. However, when using any other mediums such as paints and pastels I have always found much more enjoyment in experimenting with layers and textures and what effects can be produced by combining a number of techniques and processes and therefore found a lot of inspiration in the work of Qubo Gas.
Since A level I have been completely absorbed by graphic design and fine art has taken a back seat in my life. However, looking back at the artists that I was inspired by and used to influence my A level work I have been reminded by artists such as Qubo Gas that I really love and it has motivated me to find the time to work on some fine art again. I think that the techniques and processes that Qubo Gas use in their work would complement altered book projects, A Humument being a perfect example. The type of designs that Qubo Gas create would perfectly decorate the pages of a novel; the free flowing lines would be ideal to work around words or phrases and the blocks of colour and mark making would block out any unwanted text.
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