Friday, 18 October 2013


"Re-think focuses on personal qualities, encouraging youth to embrace those things that make them who they are. Using principles of positive psychology, re-think aims to stimulate a change in thought patterns, encouraging self reflection, and putting a positive emphasis on the attributes and talents that we all have that make us who we are, and enabling us to move forward in life."[1]

For a project at university i have been asked to design a way to promote behaviours that increase everyday well-being. My focus is positive thinking in teenagers, and this project is a perfect example of the sort of thing i am working on. 

"In New Zealand there are increasingly high rates of depression, the most concerning statistics are those that represent youth between the ages of 15 and 25. The 'Ministry of Health' first implemented the 'National Depression Initiative' in 2002 to help identify depression and encourage sufferers to seek help. One of the strategies implemented that resonates for me 'Increasing awareness of effective interventions for depression, including self help strategies.' This strategy is central to my personal beliefs and the basis of this project. I have built the re-think campaign around the principles of positive psychology, working it alongside research on youth in New Zealand to create an interactive system for 15-19 year olds to stimulate positive personal thought."[1]

For a project at university I have been asked to design a way to promote behaviours that increase everyday well-being. My focus is positive thinking in teenagers, so I decided to enter some keywords on Behance to see if there were any existing projects that answer the brief that I am currently concentrating on. I came across this project and primarily stopped to look at it because of the eye-catching colour palette and the fact that it is a print based project which is the type of design I tend to lean towards. However, after reading more information on the project I discovered that this too targets teenagers and perfectly answers the problem I am currently looking to solve. The actual concept it not something I will be developing as part of my own project as my brief requires me to encourage positive behaviours in a subtle way that aren't necessarily noticed, but I will definitely be using this project as inspiration when it comes to actually designing my outcome as I think the colours radiate positivity and the design promotes interaction; if I were to create a print based outcome I would definitely consider a similar design and layout. 

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