Sunday, 23 November 2014

Disrupted By...Kelli Anderson

Kelli Anderson is an artist/designer living and working in Brooklyn, New York. She works on traditional graphic design styles and is always experimenting and exploring new ways of working. Everything she creates begins and ends in her home and she also teaches Art History at Pratt every summer.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

One Minute Briefs

One Minute Briefs is an idea created by Nick Entwistle and James Clancy - The Bank of Creativity. The rules are simple, you have one minute to create one idea for one advert.

Monday, 27 October 2014

It's Nice That

"Founded in 2007, It's Nice That is a publishing platform that encompasses several different online, print and event offerings as part of its mission of championing creativity across the art and design world." - It's Nice That (2014)

Monday, 1 September 2014

5 Unique Self Promotions

As I have just completed a placement and I now preparing for my fourth and final year of uni before heading off into the big bad world, I have spent a lot of my time recently looking at CVs, portfolios and other creatives self identities for inspiration for my own branding. Along the way I have come across some really unique ideas that I can't help but wish I had thought of, and thought they were worth sharing with you.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Getting A Placement in Design: Part 2

It is a fact that as graphic designers you will have to complete placements to progress in your field of work, whether it be during your education or when you leave, as it is rare that graphic design firm will offer you a paid position without any prior experience (whether it be with them or or another agency). Having recently been through this experience myself I decided to put together a two-part post that will provide you with a complete guide to graphic design placements, from researching agencies to working for them, for anyone else that is going through this process.

Getting A Placement In Design: Part 1

From the first day I got involved with graphic design I was told that to progress in this field you have to complete placements, whether this be during your education or when you leave. It is rare that a graphic design firm will offer a paid position to a designer without them completing an unpaid internship beforehand (unless, of course they have already completed internships and/or had other jobs elsewhere and can prove they have the experience). Having recently been through this experience myself I decided to put together a two-part post that will provide you with a complete guide to graphic design placements, from researching agencies to working for them, for anyone else that is going through this process.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Stefan Sagmeister

In September of last year I took a trip with my university course to London to attend the annual AGI conference. As this event is rarely held in this country, out tutors thought it was too good of an opportunity to miss and bought the whole course tickets to go. At first I wasn't overly keen on the idea of going - we had to arrange our own travel and accommodation and it seemed like a lot of hassle trying to contact course mates and organise the event. However, once I got myself there I thoroughly enjoyed the two days and i'm so glad I went! While I was there, one speaker that particularly caught my attention was Stefan Sagmeister.